Monday, April 28, 2008
Sorry for Lack of Postings - Exams
- Laila's mom, Renee
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Crazy weekend
My mom came home early on Friday, which was super fun because she took me to the park for TWO HOURS! Man, was I wiped out when we got home! I think I slept from 7 pm until 11 am the next morning. It was amazing :)
UTI Vet Visit
When I woke up, I wasn't feeling that well though. I went outside to use the bathroom, but couldn't pee. This has happened so many times over the past three months that my mom took me back to the vet. Again. We go every time this happens, and they usually send her home with a bunch of "medicine" to give me. I don't really mind taking the medicine because I get a yummy treat after each pill, but it is a pain. This time, my mom took me to a new vet. This one was a little farther away than the old vet, so we couldn't walk there. I was skeptical when we pulled up, but I changed my mind when we went inside. It was amazing! Lots of fun squishy benches to sit on, lots of really nice ladies giving me hugs and kisses, and they took me to the back room really quick! I didn't have to wait at all. The doctor said I was really good. They did a bunch of tests - made me pee in a cup (weird) and took crazy pictures they called "x-rays." I, of course, gave them my best pose.
Mom got a haircut
When they finished, they called my mom and dad to pick me up - and my dad showed up with a very strange lady. She looked like my mom, but what happened to her hair? I wasn't so sure of this lady, but after tasting her entire face I figured out that it was my mom after all. The doctor told my mom that they would call her back later this week to let her know the results and to see if they need to do any more tests. I hope they figure everything out. It would be really nice to pee whenever I want to!
When we got home, we went to Riverside Park so I could play with all of my friends.
Home Alone
Then, my parents left me home alone (out of the crate!!!) while they went grocery shopping. It was a little scary, but after a running around a lot I decided to sit and watch the football draft on TV. My mom said that I was SO GOOD! I got some melon as a treat. YUM!
My mom took me to the park.
Home Alone
My mom and dad left me home alone out of the crate for 45 minutes while they went down the street to get brunch, but they forgot to leave the TV on. What?!? No TV?!?! I was so upset that I tore the house apart. And I do mean T.O.R.E. i.t. A.P.A.R.T! I tore a hole through the screen in

Park with Riley and Todd
While my parents started cleaning up my mess and fixing the screen, Todd stopped by to see if I could go to Robert E. Lee Park with him and Riley. My mom said that I could! Yay!! I had a great time!
Water Heater
When I got home from the park, the house looked different. My human granddad and his friend Michelle had come to visit, but my mom wouldn't let me go upstairs to visit my dad or my granddad. She said they were "working." Working on what? Why doesn't anyone tell me things anymore? First my mom's haircut, and now my dad is 'working'?? She said that the water heater had "blown up." Like fireworks? I don't like fireworks. Good thing I wasn't home when this "explosion" happened. Apparently there was water everywhere! But my dad and my granddad worked really hard and replaced the water heater themselves. So, now we have warm AND hot water!!!! I'm excited for my next bath!!!
My mom said: "when it rains, it pours (literally)."
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Lazy Sunday Watching the World Go By

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Cookout at Dave's House
Friday, April 18, 2008
Play-date with Riley

Riley's owner Todd had to go to a wedding tonight, so my mom and dad invited him over to play with me. It was so much fun! We paw-painted the kitchen floor (with mud) while playing chase: we ran from the front door through the living room, through the dining room, through the kitchen, out the back door, through the garden, to the fence, turned around, ran back through the house, and did it all over again a few dozen times. My dad didn't think our paw-print pictures on the kitchen floor were very pretty, so my mom promised to fix it later. I hope she doesn't try to clean it - the floor is a piece of art!
Later in the day, we decided to go to the park, and surprise, surprise: it was Vizsla day! When we showed up to Riverside Park, the other Riley (6 yr old female) was already there. The three of us (Riley, Riley, and I) had a fantastic time running around and eating the freshly-cut grass. I showed Riley (m) how to drink from the water fountain, which I'm sure Todd will love to hear.
My mom finally ended the fun at 11:00 pm and took Riley home. I was sad, but she promised to let Riley come back on Sunday! I need to get some sleep so that I can rest up for Round 2.
Painting the floor and Snacking in the Living Room . . .

Lupine Harness Incident
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Water fountain
Morning Cuddles

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Greeting Dad at the Door
Cat Loose in the Backyard!

What the hell is that thing? And why is it in my yard???
The camera has arrived!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
E for Excellent!

So excited! My blogger friend Rocket gave me an award for being so "excellent"! I totally rock! And so does Rocket!
Rocket gave me the rules: you have to link back to the nice reader who gave it to you (done) and you must give it to 10 more nice blogs (if you want to) that you read.
Bristow Jones is a fun-loving Vizsla living in NY City! My half-brother Baxter is visiting with them right now, and I wuf reading about their many adventures in the Big Apple!
This is my dad Owe'n's page. He doesn't have a blog, but I wuf looking at his pictures . . . and the pictures of my brothers and sisters!
This is my mom Kayla's page. She doesn't have a blog either, but she's so great! I wuf her so much!
This is my Aunt Hannah. She's awesome, and so successful! I hope I can be half as great as her when I grow up!
I don't know very many blogger friends yet, but I'm very excited to meet everyone!
Licks and wiggles,
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Picking Paint Colors

That looks like fun! Can I help?

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Congratulations Laila!
Vizsla Puppy Best Bitch
Vizsla Puppy Best of Breed
Third Place - Puppy Sporting Group

Friday, April 11, 2008
I miss my Laila
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A Sleep-over at the Green's
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New Camera
Canon Digital Rebel XT 8MP Digital SLR Camera with EF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 Lens (Black)
Lots of people recommended this camera, so I'm really excited for it to arrive!
It should arrive in 5-9 business days.
Happy Birthday to Laila...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Cold and wet after McKee Besher
Walk at McKee Besher
We walked through tons of fields and found all sorts of fun things, such as sticks, hay stalks, bird feathers, and even a couple of deer bones (gross, I know, but the dogs loved them). Although the other Vizslas were a bit bigger than Laila, she held her own and enjoyed running through the fields and streams with the other dogs. Even the rickety bridge didn't phase her.
Laila had SUCH a great time!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Bubba and Max
Oppie (some sort of pug mutt) came to the park later in the day. Even though he's tiny and couldn't be more than 25 lbs, he's really aggressive. We've met him a few times before, and he's never been pleasant. None of the dogs like playing with him. Watch out Oppie - just wait until Bubba catches up to you!