So excited! My blogger friend Rocket gave me an award for being so "excellent"! I totally rock! And so does Rocket!
Rocket gave me the rules: you have to link back to the nice reader who gave it to you (done) and you must give it to 10 more nice blogs (if you want to) that you read.
Bristow Jones is a fun-loving Vizsla living in NY City! My half-brother Baxter is visiting with them right now, and I wuf reading about their many adventures in the Big Apple!
This is my dad Owe'n's page. He doesn't have a blog, but I wuf looking at his pictures . . . and the pictures of my brothers and sisters!
This is my mom Kayla's page. She doesn't have a blog either, but she's so great! I wuf her so much!
This is my Aunt Hannah. She's awesome, and so successful! I hope I can be half as great as her when I grow up!
I don't know very many blogger friends yet, but I'm very excited to meet everyone!
Licks and wiggles,
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