We missed the morning hunt seminar, but we watched the agility seminar and demonstration, tried out the agility course, did a lure course, went to a conformation seminar, ate a BBQ lunch, and played with lots of crazy redheads.
I've never seen an agility course before, but it was really fun! During the demonstration, my mom told me to look through the fence while they were doing the demonstration so that I could see what they were doing. As soon as I saw the demo dog doing some jumps and going through tunnels, I was hooked. I got really excited, popped my head up over the fence so that I could see better, started pawing at the fence so that I could get in, and then started my "let me go, let me go, let me go!" trembles. Once we were allowed inside, I was so excited to try everything out!

I had no idea what I was doing, but I had fun!
I loved the lure course also. I wish that my mom had gotten my run on video because it was awesome! They had a pulley system hooked up which ran a rope around a field pulling a plastic bag. I know, a plastic bag, how silly is that? I heard about how funny it was to watch, so my mom and dad decided to come down to see what all of the laughs were about. I was a bit curious about all of the fuss as well, seeing that it was just a piece of trash being pulled on a string.
But then I got down to the lure course field, and something happened inside of me, I don't know what it is, but it happened, and I just... fell in love with that plastic bag. I know, I know. I can hear how crazy it is as I'm writing it right now, but it is true! I know I said it earlier, but I really wish my mom had gotten my run on video. She said that it was amazing to see how fast I ran -- that after I reached the distance that I normally would have caught the chuck-it ball, I had a kick-back, threw it into high gear, and seemed to fly around the corner and through the rest of the course. I ran even faster the second time. The man running the course only let each dog run the course twice -- something about it being too much stress on our bones or muscles or something...

But I would have run it twenty times if they had let me! Now if only I could convince my dad to secretly build a private lure course for me at the super-secret dog park down the street...
There was a large fenced-in area where we could run around and be our typical redheaded selves, which was fun. I saw old friends and met a *lot* of new ones!

At one point, there were over a dozen of us romping around the enclosure, but of course, my mom didn't think to get out her camera. Silly mom. She was too busy chatting with the other Vizsla moms and dads. Thanks for making it such a special day, guys!
My brother
Rocky came to the Fun Day with his mom Rachel. I hadn't seen Rocky in months and months, so it was nice to have a chance to spend some quality time together.
"Let's get ready to rumble..."
Of course, my mom wanted to get a "brother-sister" picture of the two of us.

So embarrassing... I hope none of my friends are watching.

Wait a minute... is Miss Rachel holding
dehydrated Tuna? Yum! Take your time, Mom! Take as many pictures as you want! Just keep those treats coming!
I also officially met my 15 week old cousin
Season and her wonderful mom Susan. Season is one of
Brisztow Jones's puppies from
Tivoliz's Kissable litter.

In addition to being a natural at agility (she loved the tunnels!),
Season lived up to the theme of her litter by demonstrating just how very kissable she is. What a sweetheart!
It was a "fun day", but I was so exhausted that by 3:00pm, I was almost begging my mom to go home.

And if you are asking yourself if I fell asleep like this,
yes I did...
for the entire hour-long car ride.
(don't worry, I was wearing my doggie seat belt)