Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
A Visit from Christina and John Sawyer
My mom's friends Christina and John visited me today. They were so nice and smelled so good! I tried to nibble on Christina's scarf, but my mom said it was bad manners. She spoils all of my fun.
The five of us (my mom, my dad, John, Christina, and myself) went to Riverside Park to play. It was great to have so much attention. We played running games with sticks, squeeky balls, and my bully stick.
While we were there, we met Ollie. He was my size, but he turned out to be a not-so nice 10 month old puppy. He didn't play fair. I also played with Maggie, a really nice golden retriever. We met before, and I like her a lot. I also met a border collie named Finn who was beautiful, clean, fast, and smart. He played catch with John for 20 minutes. Everyone says that I'm so cute and beautiful. But when I grow up, I want to be just like my collie friend.
It was chilly when we came home. My mom made some hot chocolate and hot tea for the people, and I fell asleep on John's lap with my new stuffed hedgehog named "BOODA".
The five of us (my mom, my dad, John, Christina, and myself) went to Riverside Park to play. It was great to have so much attention. We played running games with sticks, squeeky balls, and my bully stick.
While we were there, we met Ollie. He was my size, but he turned out to be a not-so nice 10 month old puppy. He didn't play fair. I also played with Maggie, a really nice golden retriever. We met before, and I like her a lot. I also met a border collie named Finn who was beautiful, clean, fast, and smart. He played catch with John for 20 minutes. Everyone says that I'm so cute and beautiful. But when I grow up, I want to be just like my collie friend.
It was chilly when we came home. My mom made some hot chocolate and hot tea for the people, and I fell asleep on John's lap with my new stuffed hedgehog named "BOODA".
Friday, January 25, 2008
I finally fit into my coat
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Mom's First Day of Work
My mom started a new job at Legal Aid Bureau today, so a nice lady named Jamey came to play with me during the day. My mom said that she is going to come a couple times a week to feed and play with me while mom and dad are at work. Sounds good to me!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mom lost her keys
My mom took me to the park today. There weren't any other dogs at the park, so I could run off leash. My mom and I played catch with my squeaky ball and did some really fun running games. I had a really great time and walked the entire way home by myself. But... when we got home, my mom couldn't find her keys in our park-bag. She looked in her pants pockets, but no keys. She looked in her coat compartments, but no keys. She got a little nervous and dumped out the entire bag to find her keys, but still no keys. She tried the door, but it was locked. She looked in the mailbox, but no keys. She tried the backdoor, but it was locked too. She gave me some treats and some more water, and we went back to the park looking for my mom's keys. We looked on the streets, sidewalks, potted plants, the park trails, and the grassy areas in the park. Still no keys. I think that they fell out of her pocket when we were running around the park. I started getting cold, so my mom picked me up and zipped me into her coat. We got back home and sat on the front stoop to try to figure out a plan. It was so warm and cozy in my mom's coat that I fell asleep. One of our neighbors let us sit in his house while we waited for my dad to come home and unlock the door. When my dad got home, I licked and wiggled and kissed my mom and dad over and over. I was never so happy to be home in my life! I grabbed my stuffed duck and ran from the kitchen to the living room to the kitchen and then back to the living room. Then, my mom let me nap on top of the dryer to warm up. It was nice and warm, but I wanted to nap with my mom instead. I love my mom.
I had some dinner and played ball with my dad inside the house. He tried to coax me into napping with him on the couch, but I wasn't having any of that. I wanted to be with my mom. I finally escaped and brought a few toys to my mom so that she could play with me. We played for a few minutes, but then she told me that she had to work. I was devastated! I'm tired and I need my mom! She finally picked me up, and I fell asleep on my mom's lap in a matter of seconds. I don't think she had expected me to fall asleep on top of her arms because she had been working on her computer before she picked me up. I keep telling her that I am the most important thing in the whole world. When will she start listening to me? I was a little confused though. I kept sliding off her lap during my nap. I fit perfectly yesterday. Is my mom shrinking?
I had some dinner and played ball with my dad inside the house. He tried to coax me into napping with him on the couch, but I wasn't having any of that. I wanted to be with my mom. I finally escaped and brought a few toys to my mom so that she could play with me. We played for a few minutes, but then she told me that she had to work. I was devastated! I'm tired and I need my mom! She finally picked me up, and I fell asleep on my mom's lap in a matter of seconds. I don't think she had expected me to fall asleep on top of her arms because she had been working on her computer before she picked me up. I keep telling her that I am the most important thing in the whole world. When will she start listening to me? I was a little confused though. I kept sliding off her lap during my nap. I fit perfectly yesterday. Is my mom shrinking?
Monday, January 21, 2008
The agenda incident
Exhausted after playing ball, I tried to nap on my mom's lap while she was working. She said she had to put me in my bed so she could do some work, but I refused to give an inch. Who does she think she is? It's cold in the living room, and I can't nap without her warm, squishy lap! I won the battle, of course... mostly because I chewed a hole in her agenda. In my opinion, she deserved it for thinking I would take a nap without her.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Visit to the Mergner's House
I went on a trip down to St. Mary's County to meet some of my Mom's family today. I really liked playing with my human grandfather. He was really fun. I also met my human grandparents' two dogs. I tried to play with them, but they didn't like me much. My mom said that they are a black lab / Rhodeshian Ridgeback mix. They were VERY big dogs. If they stepped on me, they would have squashed me flat like a pancake!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I officially hate snow
It snowed today, and I didn't like it one bit. It was wet and kept making my paws freezing cold. My mom said that she couldn't take me to the park because she had to go to Court and didn't have time to take another shower. What? Court is more important than me? I want to see my friends at the park! When my dad got home, he built a little snowman hoping that I would play with it, but all I wanted to do was get back inside! I started to like the snow a little better once my dad shoveled a pathway to my garden (at least I liked eating it), but I still hate the snow. I don't know how my sister Hudson does it living in New York! She's much braver than me.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Meeting new friends
Today my mom took me to Riverside Park. As I've said before, I L.O.V.E. the park! It is my favorite place in Baltimore, not that I've seen very many places yet. Today I met Kelsey at the park. She's my new favorite friend because she's almost as small as me. We played chase, ran after squirrels together, and met a few black labs who gave us lots of kisses. She even shared her favorite ball with me! I didn't want to leave the park, but my mommy said that we had to go home to take a nap. I guess she was right because I fell asleep on my bed as soon as we walked in the door.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Meeting the Family
Ninth Day Home
My parents took me to Riverside Park today, and I have to tell you... I love, love, LOVE, L.O.V.E. my park!!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Cash, the Great Dane
I met my Dad's cousin Dave and his big black Great Dane named "Cash" today. I was scared of Cash at first, him being so big and all. But after awhile, I realized that he was just a big pushover. So I stole his toys, drank out of his water bowl, played with his people, and stole his bed. Yes, you heard me right... I stole his bed. Whenever he tried to get near the bed to lay down, I let him know who's boss. Yeah, I know that there was plenty of room for both of us, but that's not the issue. The issue is that I'm the boss here, I won't let my little size stand in the way.
Eighth day home
Ok, so I admit it... I'm starting to really love my human family. This Renee girl is the greatest. I love taking naps on top of her.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Sixth day home
I'm slowly learning the concept of potty-ing outside. I'm not too happy about it though. Don't my human parents know how cold it is out here?!?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Fourth day home
As you can see, I love sleeping. My human mom tells me that I have to settle down so that she can get some "good" pictures of me. I don't see that happening any time soon, so you'll just have to settle with pictures of me sleeping. Don't I look like a little angel? Just wait until I wake up though... better hide your shoes!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
First Day Home
I didn't sleep well last night. I had to use the bathroom nearly six times during the night. I'm still not sure who these people are yet, but they seem nice. They feed me and let me sleep on their squishy laps, which I like.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Coming home to Baltimore
Today my human family Jeff and Renee Hood came to pick me up from Jason and Melissa's house. I didn't want to leave my mom, brothers, and sisters... they are so warm and nice to chew on. I didn't like being in the car without my brothers and sisters to keep me warm, but I was so tired that I fell asleep. When we got out of the car, Renee announced that "we're home!" Why did she call this place home? Who are these people?
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