Summer in the city is hot, hot, hot!

So hot that I can barely get out of bed. Please mom, I
need-need-need a pool!

I mean, look at this guy! He's cool and happy and has all sorts of toys in his pool.
Mom, don't you want me to be happy, too?
My mom remembered that the local
Ace Hardware store carried little pools like this, so we took a trip down the street to buy one.

Their logo says: "The helpful place" and it sure is!
I love Ace! They let puppies like me come into the store and always have yummy treats to share. Whenever we walk by the store, I try to drag my mom into the store so I can say "hello" -- and to get my treats, of course.
But, when we got to the store, we saw a sign that said:

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!
Apparently it was so hot that their air conditioner broke, so they couldn't stay open.
What should we do now? It is sooooo hot, Mom!
Suddenly my mom said she had an idea . . .

She found an plastic storage container on the third floor, emptied it out, and filled it with water.

Hmm . . . I think I know where you are going with this.

I dropped my ball into the water to test the water out a bit . . .

And then dove right in!

Ahhhh . . . great idea, Mom!
But can we get a *real* pool tomorrow?