While my parents were out of town, I bunked with my mom Kayla, aunt Hannah, and brother Seamus at Melissa and Jason's house in PA. I had a lot of fun wrestling, cuddling, and playing with the Chuck-it flying squirrel at the park. However, I kept wondering what my parents were doing. I still can't believe that they left me behind!!!
Although they were originally supposed to visit some friends in Boston before going to a wedding in New York, they opted for a quick trip to Southern New Jersey instead.
While staying at a B&B in Cape May, they decided to take a side-trip to "The Point" in Stone Harbor to take a walk on the beach and see the wildlife.

Those sand dunes look like they would be really fun to run on. Plus, I love birds!
I can't believe that my parents didn't take me!?! Maybe I can go with my mom and dad next time.
I can't believe that they would be so bold as to blatantly . . .

Aieeee! That shell has eyeballs and fingers! Don't wait for the shell to come to life: Run away!!!
My mom said that it is just a hermit crab, but I think she's crazy. It's a monster!
And just when I thought the worst was over, along came a . . .
That's not a dream vacation, it's a nightmare!!!! I'm just glad my parents survived!
Ok, I change my mind. I'm very, very glad that I wasn't with my parents on their trip.
hello miss laila its dennis the vzsla dog hay i think yoo ar overluking the fakt that a ded shark cant run away frum yoo wile yoo ar trying to eet it not that i wood do that mind yoo!!! i am just saying!!! ok bye