Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today, my crazy parents Renee and Jeff decided to venture out into the heat to attend the annual Honfest with a few of Renee's friends from Legal Aid. Thankfully, they let me stay home in the air conditioning -- it was nearly one hundred degrees and humid outside.

Beginning as a tiny Baltimore's Best Hon pageant behind Café Hon, Honfest has grown to a nationally recognized festival that covers four city blocks on Hampden's very own 36th Street.

The term Hon is actually a friendly Baltimore greeting and comes from the word honey. Around here, however, the women who vie to become Baltimore’s Best Hon are a vision of the sixties-era. They are women with beehive hairdos, bright-blue eye shadow, spandex pants and anything with leopard print!
Women got their hair put up into a beehive.

Kids got their face and/or hair painted.
Great local food was available.
The Mascot for the Baltimore Orioles made an appearance.

But the main attactions, of course, were the fabulous hons, themselves. . .

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